Quick Quest
You are an adventurer, seeking to start another adventure.
Pick up your trusty weapon and go on a quick quest!
Encounter both dangerous foes and unlikely allies!
See what you find!
(don't spam click at the beginning, can mess up the text, if it does, press Backspace to restart)
- LMB to confirm/progress
- Backspace to restart game
- Q/E to select choices
Models from:
itch background from Pyre
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No seriously, what DID UCD students do to tha dragon?
After shuffling through some choices, I thought it was mega-funny that the skeleton companion stood there and watched you die if you attempted to kill the golem or dragon. It knew better than to dance with danger, I guess. I wonder how you got the first person POV to stay in place? No matter how much I try to move left/right/etc, the main character will only walk in place.
Really enjoyed the mixing of 3D assets and animation with the text game itself, that was amazing! I really love the fact that you can become "equipped" with weapons and have the skeleton accompany you. Great work!
Wow the style behind this game is very impressive. The fact that it's first person and the enemies such as the Golem actually change what they do if they attack you or not is really immersive.
I like the ways the golem's personality is expressed. It dances playfully when you spare it but can deliver a massive punch when you try to kill it. Mixing up the 3d objects and 2d text worked very well, good job!
The 3d models in the game working is super cool! Very fun writing as well, glad I got to hang out with skeleton bro but it could not protect me from the dragon unfortunately...
Selection interface is nicely done. Animations also add a lot to the game.
super impressive design!!!
This is really cool! Reminds me a lot about my game but with a lot of visual feedback that makes it feel really satisfying when you progress through the level and build up your character!
All the assets and font really fit with the topic itself, and the way you combine 2d text and 3d model is perfect, I feel like I am playing an official game!
I love this game, it seems like one of those beat the monster games i played as a kid, but filled with lots of interesting story to read. The style of the text fit this game.
The mix of 3d and 2d elements is so cool! I love that you can kinda walk and move the weapon!
this game is technically really impressive, the creator has working animations and rigs. the characters seem to have been modeled and rigged in Blender using armatures and sculpted and textured using modeling tools.
This game has a great visual design, and I like that author had a sense of humor lol. The choices itself for weapon is great, and golem dance is nice lmao
I agree! I love the visuals and the animation too. Really unique and impressive. Watching the golem attack is kinda silly, loved it
This game is really funny! I laughed out loud multiple times c:
It sort of felt Undertale-like to me in a way, due to the whole ability to make friends thing. Was that intentional, or were you just trying to be funny? I’d also like to see some changes based off of your weapon of choice.
I like the space established in this game: traversing a black void works surprisingly well for this short quest. I think it does well to emphasize the fun of the characters we come across.
This game was SO fun! I tried to play a pacifist run and managed to spare everything - even made a new Golem and Skeleton friend :) I'm not sure if it was intended but I like the movement that happens when you use the arrow keys, it looks just like I'm walking around Skyrim.
I also did a pacifist run! It was so cute how we could befriend the skeleton and golem. I also noticed the arrow keys causing movement, it really added to the immersion imo. The animations were super impressive too! Felt like a combination of Skyrim and Undertale.