The season: Spring

Tissues: 3

Pollen: Everywhere

Survive for as long as possible!

enable sound!

WASD to move

Space to progress through menus

Q/E to cycle through difficulty

P to pause

Backspace to restart

ESC to quit


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Honestly so relatable. I love the replayability of the game I keep wanting to get a higher score

Truly, a nightmare experience. Far too relatable.

Did my first attempt on impossible, got a 761, I'm fine with that. I'm sure I could get much higher if I took the time to play it that long.

Played on impossible because I'm a fighter, highest score was 477 (hard to play an allergy themed game when you, the player, are currently going through allergies >m<). I like how the color of the pollen acts as a timer for how long it stays on the screen (from dark --> light before disappearing). I'm wondering how you coded the brief invincibility the player gets after getting hit by pollen?

So hectic! I like how some of the pollen turned into beams of light at certain points. I wonder how you did that?

This is Russell btw!