Island Invasion
A downloadable game
The objective of the game is to destroy all opposing units
Invaders get 4 Invaders
Islanders get 2 Defenders (Pink) and 1 Village
The board is comprised of territory tiles
Ocean: Blue
Beach: Yellow
Grassland: Light Green
Forest: Dark Green
Mountain: Gray
Invaders must place 1 invader on an ocean tile on the edge of the board
Islanders may place their village anywhere on the island
Defenders can be placed anywhere in the adjacent ring around the village
Example of a possible game start
Invaders go first.
Players roll a single die to move.
Players move their pieces until the number of moves made is equal to the number on the die.
Moves can be split between pieces
Invaders can only add more pieces to their starting position and only after their first invader has reached a forest tile.
Adding an invader to the invader starting position counts as 1 move.
The village cannot move.
Combat occurs if a player finishes their turn with pieces adjacent to that of the other player.
Both players roll a die. The resulting roll is their fighting unit’s strength. Units gain bonuses depending on their affiliation and their position.
An example of a combat
Islander Bonuses:
Ocean: +0 Strength
Beach: +0 Strength
Grassland: +0 Strength
Forest: +1 Strength
Mountain: +2 Strength
Additionally the Village tile grants +2 Strength to adjacent Defenders
Invader Bonuses:
Ocean: +10 Strength
Beach: +1 Strength
Grassland: +0 Strength
Forest: +0 Strength
Mountain: +0 Strength
Adjacent pieces give +1 Strength to combat, the Village tile gives +2 Strength
If multiple pieces surround an opposing piece, they work together to attack, the highest die roll is used with an additional +2 Strength for each attacking unit.
The combatant with the highest strength wins, destroying the enemy fighting unit.
In the case of ties, players reroll all the dice.
Pieces that were adjacent to fighting units but were not adjacent to enemy units are not destroyed.
For example in this combat, the Invaders move and attack this defender. They roll twice for having multiple attackers, rolling a 5 and a 3. The Defender rolls a 4. Even though the Invaders would have a stronger strength with 3 + 10 from the ocean terrain bonus, they must use the attacking 5 strength unit with a terrain bonus of 0. However, with multiple attackers, the strength of the Invader's force is raised to 7, with the multiple attackers bonus. The Islanders also get a bonus for having their Village adjacent to their defender, also adding 2 strength to their defense, raising their strength to 6. The outcome of this combat is 7 - 6 Invaders. The attacked defender is destroyed and taken off the board.
A player wins when all opposing units are destroyed.
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