Divide or Conquer
Divide or Conquer is a variation on the game of split or steal.
Rather than 2 players, 3 or 4 players can play, and the decisions made by the splitting players can affect those not splitting.
How to play:
Each round, two players are given a pot worth either 100, 200, or rarely, 500 points. Each player is given the option to either Divide(Split) or Conquer(Steal). Depending on player choices, an outcome of a round varies.
When making a choice, the other player must look away from the screen.
Both players split:
Both players split the pot, each taking half the points
One player splits, the other steals:
The stealing player takes the entire pot, taking all of the points.
Both players steal:
Neither player receives points, the points are instead divided evenly among remaining players, for example with three players, the third player receives the entire pot.
The game ends when a player reaches the point goal. If two players reach the point goal at the same time, they both win the game, regardless of score. Rounds are played until a player reaches the point goal.
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